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Multiple Choice Questions on Sale of Goods Act 1930

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MCQ’s on Operations and Supply Chain Management

MCQ’s on Operations and Supply Chain Management Hello All, As per the University of Pune, Syllabus Pattern 2016, Management (MBA) students need to appear for online exam based on Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) on all 5 units. There are plenty of books available in the market, where hundreds of questions are given with answers. But while reading multiple choice questions and its right option, it is quite difficult for the students to understand why the specific answer is right. In such situation only mugging the answer and trying to remember the question and its answer or option will be a difficult situation.   So an effort is taken to give maximum multiple choice questions and its right option and the specific supporting explanation, which will justify why the given option (answer) is right. Such explanation will help you to get clarified some of the theoretical concepts as well as the easy understanding & preparation for your online examination. Following are...

Kolb's Learning Cycle

Kolb’s Learning Cycle Every individual wants to grow, but growing should be supported with learning. Individual can learn either by experience of others, or by applying the theoretical knowledge to what is experienced, or by observation of certain things or by actually doing. In our life, every day we learn small to bigger things through our experiences. Kolb’s argued the same learning cycle based on experiences of the individual. Kolb’s suggested that the learning takes place in 4 stages, with a certain pattern of cycle. The 4 stages of learning given by David Kolb are; 1)    Concrete Experimentation [CE]: Learning the things by means of some new experiences or reinterpretation of somethings, which were learned in past. Such experiences will develop Concrete Experience. 2)    Reflective Observation [RO]: Once the experience is earned, one will start analyzing it. What we learned, how things happened and will start reviewing and recording th...